Practicing place value

We are learning about pace value of teen nnumbers. I know that the number 1 in a teen number

represents 10 and the other digit represents the remaining ones. Here is my breakdown of the

number 14

Recycled matariki cards.

We wanted to make matariki cards but  we didn’t want to use new paper because paper com from trees.

To conserve our Rākau we used scrap paper and old news papers to create new paper for our cards. Check out my paper and my card.

What are you doing to celebrate Matariki?

Epic Exercise Patterns

I have made a video of me exercising with my tuakana and we have made ways to exercise. We edited it on imovie so we could cut out the bad bits.

Here is my video.

I had so much fun making this video with a tuākana.

Have you ever made a pattern out of exercises?

Amazing Morning Routine

I have been learning how to be a kaitiaki of my own things. I wrote about it. I can use my stretchy segmenting to sound out words in my writing.

Check out my mahi below.

What is your first task when you get to kura?

Kei Hea te kuri

Join me to learn the Māori kupu for  where things are.



Runga=on top




Have go at asking “kei hea te____? “kei____i te_____ “You can add any object in here.

Thank you for reading my blog.


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